We live in earthquake country so we keep flats of food out in our garage such as canned vegetables, fruits, tuna, soups, spam, condensed milk, dried beans, rice etc. A lot of food comes in milk carton type containers now and it's good for over a year. Each year when we set the clocks back for Daylight Savings time, we change our stockpile out by putting the stored food into our regular food pantry rotation and replacing it with new stuff.
We have a water purifier and camp stove we use for camping and fuel for the stove stored in a heavy duty container out in a shed that gets chased out each year.
All this might last a couple of weeks but who knows what will happen after that. I suppose in a real long term disaster, anyone who appears not to be starving will be a target for the "have-not's" to prey on but I don't want to go down that road and think about obtaining a weapon.
As well as food, try to get hold of hand-sanitizer and some face masks (at least N95 rated)
Good idea and I was thinking I'd adding pain reliever like Advil and First Aid supplies and a bottle or two of Whisky to my stockpile. It would be good to have extra medications one might use but they'd need to be stored correctly and changed out before they expire.